If you look in the DSM-5, there are the standard symptoms for Bipolar Disorder. However, are you wondering if you are missing some symptoms for Bipolar Disorder? This article will answer this question.
Your Extremely Confident But Don’t Make Good Decisions
Are you extremely confident but don’t make good decisions? Believe it or not, this is a symptom of Bipolar Disorder. According to, the following can be noted:
Normally, high self-esteem is a good thing. In a person with bipolar disorder, excessive confidence could lead to poor decisions. “They feel grandiose and don’t consider consequences; everything sounds good to them,” Dr. Malone told Health. This may lead to taking risks and engaging in erratic behavior you ordinarily wouldn’t attempt, like having an affair or spending thousands of dollars you can’t afford to spend.
Talking And Thinking Fast
Are you talking excessively and thinking fast? This is another symptom of Bipolar Disorder. According to, the following can be stated:
A “chatty Cathy” is not abnormal, says Dr. Phelps. “But talking so fast that others can’t keep up or understand—especially in phases with other bipolar symptoms, may be hypomania,” he adds. Someone in a manic state may not even let another person get a word in. This type of rapid speech is especially concerning if a person doesn’t speak this way typically. Similarly, racing thoughts or ideas that come so quickly that others—and even you yourself—may not be able to keep up may be indicative of mania.
You’re In A Great Mood
Are you in a great mood all the time? This is another symptom of Bipolar Disorder. According to, the following can be mentioned:
Who wouldn’t love to be in a great mood? And why would anyone see that as a sign of mental illness? “These phases of the disorder may actually be enjoyable to the individual because they allow for increased productivity and creativity that they normally might not experience,” says Smitha Murthy, MD, psychiatrist at the Seton Mind Institute in Austin, Texas. But if the mood elevation is extreme, there is no apparent cause for it, it lasts for a week or longer, or it appears in combination with other symptoms, it may be indicative of bipolar disorder. Hypomania, characteristic of bipolar II, may be even harder to differentiate from a generally good mood because the symptoms are milder. Look for a combination of elevated mood with other bipolar symptoms, especially in repetitive cycle that alternates with depression.
This article has provided readers with several symptoms that you may or may not think are symptoms of Bipolar Disorder.